Thursday, December 27, 2012

Some Songs About Appscan

Well, first of all, about Appscan

Appscan is big platform by IBM, and what I want to talk about in particular are:

  • Appscan Standard
  • Appscan Enterprise
  • Appscan Source 
Those products deal with the security assurance 
Appscan Standard is actually the real Appscan. It has been purchased from Watchfire and as an Application Security consultant I have been using it in my daily job for ages. 

The Appscan Enterprise, it the same engine which is used in the Standard version, however, it has a web interface and some useful features like scheduling and saving different digital certificates for different scan jobs.

Appscan Source is what it used to be Ounce Labs. It is a product that can get your source code and point you to the security issues. 

Since I am working with IBM people, and from time to time, they point me to the some public technical information, I think that this is a good place to put it. 


Microsoft SharePoint scanning guidelines

Troubleshoot license issues

the IBM support site is on web sphere.. so be patient .. :)